What are the game rules?
Totemancer is a game of strategy and adventure. To ensure fair play and an enjoyable experience, please follow these simplified gameplay rules:
- Turn Taking
You can take a step every turn, and each turn lasts 30 seconds. Make your moves within this time frame to keep the game flowing.
- Turn Skipping
If a player skips a turn, the opponent will receive an additional burst. If a player skips three turns in total during a match, they will be disqualified, and the other player will be declared the winner. If both players skip their turns for three consecutive rounds, the game will end with lower rewards or no rewards at all.
- Disqualification
If you get disqualified three times within an hour, you'll have to take a cool-off break for one hour, during which you won't be able to play.
- Using Burst Skill
By default, without any modifiers applied, you and your opponent can each use two bursts per game. When using the burst skill, if you sabotage yourself and this results in no additional score for you, you will not receive an additional turn. However, every time you make an additional score, you get another turn, and there are no limits on that.
You cannot use the burst skill on your own totems. You can only use it around obstacles and around your opponent's totems adjacent to the place where you choose to place your totem on the map.
- Placing Totems
You cannot place a totem on an obstacle, on your opponent's totem, or inside secured land. Make strategic placements to maximize your advantage.
- Playing with Friends
You can earn experience, mana, tokens, Pets, and Totem drops as usual when playing with friends. These games will also influence your rating.
- Region Unlocking
You can only play in regions that you have unlocked. However, if you match with a player who has unlocked a region that you haven't, you can join their game and reap the same benefits as if you had unlocked the region yourself.
- Game End Conditions
The game ends when there is no more land left on the map. The player with the most secured land (score) will win. If players have the same amount of land, the game is a draw. In the event of a draw, players will still earn some rewards but will not receive Totem rewards, Pets, or TON drops. The game can also end earlier if players are skipping their turns.
By following these simplified game rules, you ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all players. Thank you for playing Totemancer and contributing to our community!